Manager’s Info
See Team Staff Info for information about:
- Important deadlines
- The annual Team Staff meeting
- Team staff registration
- Criminal Record Check
- Claiming ringette expenses for reimbursement
Manager Certification
The Managers Certification Program from Ringette Canada is required for RRA team managers.
There is a $25.00 fee for this course which can be reimbursed. See Team Staff Info.
The course is online and can be found at The deadline to complete this course is December 15.
Note: Manager Certification does not certify you to be on the bench. Managers will not be included on the roster as a member of the bench staff and will not be permitted on the bench or the ice with their team unless they obtain the certification of a coach or a trainer.
Send your certificate to the Registrar at
Tip: If you have taken the course before, here’s how to find and save your certificate:
- Go to Coaching Ringette
- Click Member Sign In (top right) and log in.
- Scroll down to Team Manager.
- Click your Manager # (it looks like a red button).
- Download the file to your computer.
Team Manager Responsibilities
The team manager works with the head coach and other bench staff, the team treasurer, and parents to ensure that everyone is kept informed and organized.
The team manager does NOT need to do all of the work themselves. Delegate and ask for volunteers to take care of various tasks. This also helps to get more people involved with the team.
Please see the new RRA Team Manager Guide for a list of mandatory and optional tasks.
More guidelines, suggestions, and procedures for the team manager:
- Recruit a treasurer and co-signor (these are ideally someone other than the coach/manager or their spouses).
- Request an initial payment from each player for the treasurer to open the team account.
- Use TeamLinkt to:
- Email parents; this way, team email messages are saved in one place and easy to reference at a later date, if necessary.
- Record task assignments for scorekeeper, timekeeper, and shot clock duties so everyone can see who is responsible for each game.
- Poll the team for input on some decisions.
- Collect pertinent health information, such as allergies and other medical conditions.
- This can be helpful in case of emergency, but should be handled discreetly and destroyed after the season.
- Store this information in the team’s first aid kit or in a digital folder with limited access (such as the head coach and team manager).
- You can use this Athlete Medical Form or create your own.
- Discuss season plans with team staff to determine possible tournaments, team apparel, etc.
- Based on these ideas, work with the team treasurer to create an estimated team budget including practice ice, tournament entry fees, year-end and other miscellaneous costs (such as pictures, apparel, bus costs).
- Review team budget rules in the Regina Ringette Playing Rules (in Rules & Policies) to ensure you stay within the limits for your division.
- Meet with team parents to finalize a plan for the season, such as which tournaments to attend, whether to take a bus, team apparel, and other decisions requiring their input.
- The budget must be approved by a vote of the parents and a copy of the approved budget must be submitted to your division Commissioner.
- Once the tournament(s) have been decided on:
- Register or apply for the tournament ASAP along with a cheque (or e-transfer) from the treasurer. Some tournaments fill up quickly.
- Book a bus if the team has decided to take one. It is customary to collect a tip for the bus driver, or pay the tip and get reimbursed from the team account.
- Book hotel rooms. Don’t forget to book one for the bus driver if you are taking a bus. Make sure to check with the team to determine how many rooms are needed.
- Some tournaments require each team to provide scorekeepers, shot clock operators, and/or people to work the penalty box. Be prepared to assign these tasks or get volunteers.
- Prepare an itinerary for the tournament weekend.
- Practice ice
- Book practice ice, if necessary. (Often, the head coach does this instead if the manager.)
- Minor officials
- Encourage your team’s parents to review the resources on the Minor Officials’ Info page.
- Fundraising
- This is a good opportunity to get others involved with the team.
- Recruit volunteers to organize various fundraising activities that the team agrees to do.
- Ahead of each fundraiser, determine how funds will be distributed to families (some may depend on participation) and be sure everyone is aware of this decision.
- Raffle baskets
- Regina Ringette requires every team registered with RRA (including travel teams) to contribute a minimum $100 valued raffle basket for one of our local tournaments (whichever tournament your division would be playing in, even if your team is not participating).
- Coordinate to collect items or purchase items on behalf of your team in advance of the tournament.
- Volunteer hours
- Regina Ringette requires every team registered with RRA to contribute a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer time at our tournaments and in other events where we need help.
- Refer to the Performance Bond and Volunteer Hour Policy (in Rules & Policies) for eligible volunteer activities.
- Ensure all members of your team sign up for a few hours and contribute to the success of our association.
- The Volunteer Tracking Sheet must be used for each new activity an individual works.
- Equipment
- At the end of the season, collect all RRA equipment issued to your team.
- Confirm with your goalie if they own their own equipment; if not, all Regina Ringette goalie equipment should be returned along with the jerseys, pylons, rings and jersey bags at the equipment return date assigned to your division.
- Please have players wash their jerseys before returning them!
- At the end of the season, collect all RRA equipment issued to your team.
Game Sheets
RRA issues game sheets to every team registered with the RRA (FUN3 to Open) for their home games.
- The home team must provide the game sheet prior to the game
- Each team must add their own roster to the game sheet on all 3 copies (white, canary, and pink) using labels or printed by hand
- Players must be listed in order of jersey number
- Players not participating must be crossed out
- Affiliate players must be added and noted as “AP”
- Game sheets must be properly completed and show team names, age group, date, time, rink, and must be signed by each team’s bench staff
- The scorekeeper is responsible for getting the signatures of minor officials (scorekeeper, timekeeper, and shot clock)
Submitting Scores
The winning team, or the home team in the case of a tie, is responsible to submit the game score and game sheet within 24 hours of game completion for league games, and within 4 hours for playoff games. (FUN1 and FUN2 teams are not required to submit game scores.)
- Submit game scores through TeamLinkt.
- For steps, see How to Submit Scores to the League (For Team Admins)
- Final game scores for RRA league and playoff games submitted on TeamLinkt must have no more than a 7-goal differential in all divisions and levels. Scores submitted on TeamLinkt are displayed on the RRA website. We understand keeping track of the live game scores in the app, but it is very simple to correct the score before submitting it. Repeat offenders may face penalties, such as having a 0-7 loss recorded instead of a win.
- Email a copy of the game sheet to
- The copy can be a picture or scan, but the text must be clear and readable.
- Please put the division and game date in the subject of the email.
If you have any questions, problems or concerns please contact the RRA Webmaster,, and they will assist.

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E-1642 McDonald Street, Regina, SK
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