Treasurer’s Info
Team Treasurer Responsibilities
The team Treasurer needs to work with the other team staff, the team manager, and parents to ensure that everyone is kept informed and organized.
Pre-Season and Regular Season:
Manager’s/Treasurer’s meeting: It is mandatory that Regina teams participating in the Regina Ringette league send a representative to the Manager’s/Treasurer’s meeting. Any team failing to send a representative to this meeting will be invoiced a $50.00 fee to their team for not attending. Your team will be notified by the commissioner of the meeting date (refer to playing rules).
Team Bank Account: Team treasurers will need to open a team bank account. Check with the bank to ensure that you will not be paying bank fees on the team account – Bank of Montreal and Conexus have good community accounts. This account will require a signer (ideally the treasurer) and a co-signor (this is ideally not the coach or manager).
A letter from the team, authorized by the RRA Treasurer is required to open community accounts. The letter template below can be customized for your team. To acquire a signed letter, please forward to the RRA Treasurer once completed via email( Please allow at least 48 hours advance notice for this authorization.
Team Account Letter – Word format
Name your team account according to the following format: “Division Level, Name, Ringette”. Example: U14B Dynamite Ringette. Children’s Ringette teams do not need to include the division level.
Collect Start-up Funds: Coordinate with the coach and manager and request an initial payment from each player based on the budget for the year.
Make yourself familiar with the team budget rules in the Regina Ringette Playing Rules Children’s Ringette to U19B). Team budgets must be within the applicable limits based on the age division.
Equipment Deposit and Performance Bond: Each team is required to submit a performance bond which includes a deposit on any equipment provided to the team. Coordinate with your coach or manager to provide a cheque for your team’s bond. This bond is required before your team can collect any equipment. Please refer to the Performance Bond and Volunteer Hour Policy.
Collect Bingo and Credit Vouchers: Team Treasurers are responsible for collecting and submitting bingo couchers, credit voucher & bring-a-friend vouchers from players. These should be submitted to the Treasurer using the form below.
Voucher forms will only be accepted three times a season per team. No vouchers or voucher forms will be accepted after March 15th of each playing season. Collect vouchers from as many players on your team as possible before submitting your form. Forms along with copies of the vouchers can be submitted by email to the RRA Treasurer.
Voucher Submission Form – Excel Format, PDF Format
Please read the full list of Regina Ringette Bingo Policies.
Regina Ringette Bingo Policies
* Bingo credits can only be used for players who are under the age of 21 at the start of the playing season
* Expired vouchers will not be accepted
* Bingo credits can be used for player registration, ringette/power skating camps, team practice ice, team power skating instruction, team tournament fees and team bus costs. Bingo credits cannot be used to buy equipment for an individual player, personal hotel expenses, gas, or food expenses or personal clothing purchases.
Track Team Finances: All Regina Ringette teams must use the team financial spreadsheet.
Team Financial Spreadsheet – Excel Format
This spreadsheet should be kept up-to-date throughout the season and will need to be e-mailed to the RRA Treasurer for review at the end of the season before your team will receive its equipment deposit and performance bond refund. Read the instructions below for completing the financial spreadsheet. Each team expense should be divided evenly amongst all players.
Team Financial Spreadsheet Instructions
Bingo vouchers must be tracked separately from cash on the team financial spreadsheet.
A copy of the team financials must be provided to each of the parents/guardians prior to January 1st and by March 1st, or as requested by the parents, so that they are aware of their player’s account standing.
Collect Additional Funds: Keep the team financial spreadsheet up-to-date throughout the season and ensure that each player has submitted the required amount of money into their account. Do not wait until the end of the season to try to collect on an outstanding balance.
End of Season:
Within 10 days of championship weekend, a copy of the team financial spreadsheet MUST be e-mailed to the RRA Treasurer for review in order to receive the equipment deposit and performance bond refund.
If your team’s wind-up has not taken place prior to the equipment return, the current statement should still be submitted for review.
At the end of the season, any balance (not including bingo credits) remaining in a player’s account needs to be returned to the parents along with a copy of the year-end financial spreadsheet. RRA will make every effort to have bond refunds issued by May 1st; it is our expectation that teams will wrap-up their team accounts by May 15th.
No refunds should be provided until the review by the RRA Treasurer has occurred.
Bingo vouchers cannot be refunded at the end of the season. For example, if a player’s team fees are $450 and they have paid using $500 in bingo vouchers, they cannot receive a cheque for the balance of $50. Instead, the $50 must be paid to the RRA who will then issue a credit voucher to that player.
Regina Ringette will not issue receipts for team fees.
Contact the RRA Treasurer with any questions/concerns.

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